Oslo Accords: A history of the Crime
It’s difficult to understand how the architects of the Oslo Accords and the policy makers didn’t understand in real time that the entire process was a fraud perpetrated by the PLO, especially the signs that Arafat’s real intention was to operate according to the ‘Phased Plan’ to eliminate the State of Israel. As a result of the Oslo Accords, an enemy military was brought into the heart of the Land of Israel, their implementation eventually led to the Second Intifada, the Gaza Strip’s current situation, and a sharp rise of terror that brought death and injuries to thousands of Israelis. The state’s leaders hid from the public information regarding the danger of the Accords, with help from the biased and mobilized media. Despite the massive failure of the Oslo Accords, there has never been a process to examine lessons learned and no body was established to examine the actions and motivations of the architects of Oslo, and to expose the whole truth to the general public.
The success of the Labor Party in the 1992 elections: Rabin asked a terrorist organization to influence the democratic process in Israel.
As Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) exposed in his autobiography, which was published in Arabic in the year 1994 and later translated into English, an exchange of messages took place before the 1992 elections, between Rabin and the general commission of the PLO, in order to recruit the PLO to the electioneering campaign of the Labor Party. A highly ranked personality, which was in Rabin’s closest circles, even advised the PLO on how it should behave during negotiations in Washington with Israel, and gave suggestions on what Israel’s reaction might be to certain proposals. It should be mentioned that back then, according to the law, all contacts with the PLO were forbidden, as it was a terrorist organization.
MK Rechovam Zeevi (Gandhi), 11.01.1995: “If that is true, the results of the June 1992 elections to the Knesset have no moral value, nor do they have any legal value”.
The Oslo accords as a part of the Phased Plan.
Arafat didn’t hide the fact that, as far as he was concerned, the Oslo accords were just an integral part in implementing the 1974 PLO Phased Plan to gradually annihilate the state of Israel. His own announcement regarding that was broadcasted on Radio Monte Carlo on the First of September 1993. Despite that, on the 13th of September 1993, Rabin signed that agreement.
A price of Blood.
Yossi Beilin, during an interview by Avraham Tirosh of “Maariv”:
“The greatest test of this agreement will be one of blood”.
A drastic rise in the number of victims of terrorist attacks took place after the Oslo agreement was being signed.
A rise of approximately 74% took place during the first two years following the signing of the Oslo A accords, compared to the last two years before. Despite that, the Oslo B agreement had been signed on the 28.9.1995.
The Dystopy of the “Oslo vision”.
Public discussions, which resulted from the influence of the media and governmental representatives during the second term of Rabin’s prime ministership, were characterized as ones with indoctrination, with the total messianic utopia of the “peace process”, and with an effort to impose utopia upon reality. Typical sayings, such as “Peace victims”, “Peace is made with enemies”, “As the road to peace progresses, terror increases”, were being used as if taken from the Orwellian world. An attempt to build the brave new world was characterized by a disconnection from reality, an escape from Jewish culture, and turning away from anyone who was unwilling to be convinced. However, as Dr. Raya Epstein states, Oslo’s vision of peace, like any other utopian vision, became a Kafka nightmare. “The beginnings of totalitarian democracy ”, such as denial of pluralism and diversity of opinion, took place when elites see themselves as entitled and even obligated to impose the uniform ideal on those who refuse to accept it.
Mobilized media.
In 2010, media researcher Dr. Avi Gur published his research “The Media and the Oslo Process: How the Media Attended to Influence Public Opinion to Support the Controversial” Peace “Process.
In his examination of the misrepresentation of the media in the “euphoric period” of the Oslo process (May 1994 – May 1996) Avi Gur points to a preference given in the supposedly neutral media to representatives of the left camp. For example, in the period in question, the time allotted to left-wing camp speakers on Channel 1 was 92% greater than the time allotted to right-wing camp delegates. In Channel 2, the left-wing advantage was 78%, In the Voice of Israel 60%, In Galey Tzahal 54%. The following is the deception rating of leading media outlets during the Rabin-Peres government: Network B – 83.5%, Channel 1 – 65.5%, Channel 2 – 63%, Galey Tzahal – 48.5%, “Maariv” – 18%, “Yedioth Ahronoth” – 15.5%. In all these cases the deception was to the left. It should be noted that this is only the tip of the iceberg: after all, Avi Gur did not investigate the united form and one-sided discourse created by the journalists themselves who form the public consensus and establish the limits of legitimacy and common sense in relation to political positions and opinions.
Arafat’s Dictatorship and Multiple Violations of the Human Rights
The Oslo accords caused a tragedy to the Arab population in Yesha (Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip).
The Oslo Accords led to the establishment of a dictatorship first in Gaza and Jericho and then in other territories of Judea and Samaria. Arafat’s regime blatantly violated human rights and oppressed its opponents with unbridled brutality. The methods used by the Palestinian Preventive Security Agency included punishment without trial, illegal arrests, abductions and torture. These methods were directed at Arafat’s opponents and aimed at securing the support of the Arab public in his regime. The Israeli government not only ignored human rights violations in the Yesha Territories, but shamefully supported the dictatorial regime, provided it with weapons and supported it in the international arena.
Corruption: the passing in the Knesset of the Oslo B agreements was possible due to the buying of votes:
The Oslo B agreement passed by a majority of 61 against 59 Knesset members thanks to the votes of two defectors from the right-wing “Junction”: Gonen Segev – later convicted of fraud and drug smuggling charges and now serving 11-year prison term for severe espionage for Iran.
and Alex Goldfarb. Both came to the Knesset thanks to the votes of right-wing voters, but decided to support the law in exchange for positions of minister and deputy minister in Rabin’s government. President Ezer Weizman: “Hadn’t Goldfarb been given a Mitsubishi, the agreement would fail to be passed and materialized”.
Translated by Avner Eliyahu Romm