From the Oslo Accords b
The goal of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in the current Middle East peace process is, inter alia, to establish a Palestinian Authority for Interim Administration, ie the Elected Council (hereinafter "the Council" or "Palestinian Council"), and the elected chief executive of the Palestinian Authority for the West Bank. The West and the Gaza Strip, for a transitional period not exceeding five years from the date of signing the Agreement on the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area (hereinafter the "Gaza-Jericho Agreement") on May 4, 1994, which will lead to a permanent settlement based on Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338;
Reaffirm their understanding that the interim arrangements concerning self-government contained in this Agreement are an integral part of the entire peace process and that the permanent status negotiations, which will begin as soon as possible but not later than 4 May 1996, will lead to the implementation of Security Council Resolutions 242 and -338, and that the Interim Agreement will settle all issues of the Interim Stage and no such issues will be transferred to the agenda of the permanent settlement negotiations
Article XI Lands 1. The two sides consider the West Bank and Gaza Strip to be one territorial unit, whose integrity and status will be maintained during the interim period. Both sides agree that the territory of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with the exception of issues to be discussed in permanent status negotiations, will be transferred to the Palestinian Council, gradually completed within 18 months of the establishment of the Council, as set out below:
A. Lands in populated areas (Areas A and B), including state lands and Haakaf lands, (will be transferred to council authority during the first phase of redeployment.)
B. All civilian forces and responsibilities, including planning and construction, in Areas A and B, as set out in Annex III, shall be transferred to the Council and taken by it in the first phase of redeployment.
third. In Area C, in the first phase of the redeployment, Israel will transfer to the Council civilian forces and responsibilities that are not related to the area…
D. The additional redeployment of Israeli military forces to designated military sites will be gradually implemented in accordance with the Declaration of Principles, in three phases, at intervals of six months, after the establishment of the Council, in a manner to be completed within 18 months of the Council.
God. During the additional redevelopment phases to be completed within 18 months of the establishment of the Council, forces and responsibilities relating to the territory will be gradually transferred to Palestinian Authority applicable to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, except for issues to be discussed in permanent status negotiations.
and. The defined military sites mentioned in section X paragraph 2 below shall be determined at the preparation stage
(*** Security Council Resolution 242 will be adopted after five days and has demanded that Israel withdraw
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