The court ruled that the first bullet fired from Yigal Amir's pistol and hit Rabin was a HoloPoint bullet. In the Blnik video you can see how a holopoint ball works at the moment of impact (in the video the HoloPoint bullets are fired after the shooting with two normal bullets)
And here is a description of the shooting moments from Yigal Amir in his testimony before the Shamgar Committee:
"Can you describe to us what happened after the first ball? How exactly did you fire on? - After the first bullet I fired I stopped for a second, that is to see what is happening, to see his reaction, of the body. - Was there any reaction? - Nothing, he continued to stand in the same way, and then they jumped on me from the sides… ".
Excerpts from the testimony of Yigal Amir before the Shamgar Committee
Also in the film shot by Roni Kempler you can see the lack of Rabin's immediate reaction after the shooting.
Is it likely that Rabin was indeed hit by Holopoint bullets?
נורא דליבא היא תנועה ציבורית המאגדת אנשים איכפתיים שוחרי אמת
Could it be that Rabin was hit by Holopoint bullets?